Nutrient additions and mead making go hand in hand these days. It has been proven time and time again that supplying our yeast with the proper nutrition they need to undertake a healthy fermentation results in a cleaner tasting mead that is ready to consume in a shorter amount of time.
To ensure a healthy fermentation, a level of 150-200ppm of nitrogen should be present. This is normally not too much of an issue with most grape and other fruit musts as fruit naturally contains a good amount of nitrogen, but honey on the other hand, falls drastically short with an average of around only 30ppm.
What to do? Well, just like in the wine world when some grape musts fall a bit short on nitrogen content, based on that season's harvest, they supplement that missing nitrogen with the help of nutrient additions. In mead making, we can do exactly the same with utilizing the right nutrient addition regimen.
When it comes to nutrient addition protocols, one size does not fit all. Every recipe is different and requires its own care and attention to make sure the right amount of nutrient is added. If you add more nutrient than your yeast needs then you risk leaving a ton of scraps around for spoilage organisms to feast on. Underfeeding your mead though, will undoubtedly cause many of the issues experienced by most amateur mead makers, such as stuck fermentations, severe drop in pH, and an increase in sulfur and fusel alcohol production. Those are your rotten egg and "rocket fuel" faults that you most definitely do not want.
This is where TOSNA comes into play. It is a Tailored Organic Staggered Nutrient Addition. The TOSNA protocol supersedes the standard cookie cutter nutrient regimen that most mead makers have learned to follow in their mead making ventures. It is custom tailored to each and every mead you make taking batch size, starting sugar content and yeast selection into consideration.
The organic part of TOSNA comes from the use of Fermaid-O, because of the organic form of nitrogen it provides. While inorganic forms of nitrogen such as found in products like Fermaid-K and DAP (Diammonium Phosphate) can ramp up fermentation speed in the beginning, too vigorous of a fermentation, especially early on, can cost you more than you want in the flavor are aromatic properties of your mead. Using organic nitrogen in staggered nutrient additions offers a much more steady and clean fermentation until the very end.
What do you we get with using TOSNA?
14% alcohol fermentation in under 30 days
steady clean fermentation without losing delicate aromatics
no risk of stuck fermentation
superb pH buffering
easier to maintain fermentation temperature
less sulfur production during fermentation
prolonged yeast activity
and most importantly, consistent results no matter what recipe you are making
Here is the formula for calculating your own customized nutrient regimen for any batch you make using Fermaid-O:
((((Brix x 10) * N requirement factor for your yeast) / 50) * Batch size in gallons) = Total grams of Fermaid-O needed
*Nitrogen requirement factors are: Low = 0.75, Medium = 0.90, High = 1.25
You will split the total Fermaid-O into four separate additions as follows: -
24-hours after yeast pitch
48-hours after yeast pitch
72-hours after yeast pitch
at the 1/3 sugar break of fermentation, or Day 7, whichever comes first
If you are motivated to follow these steps in making amazing mead but feel too overwhelmed, we do have our very own TOSNA Calculator that will calculate everything you need and more, including how to adjust everything when fermenting your honey with fruit.